Thursday, 19 March 2015

High innovative and technology surfboards

1. Surfsens : a high technology surfboard with integrated sensors
2. Surfboard with LEDs integrated

1. Surfsens : a high technology surfboard with integrated sensors

"To turn feelings into facts"

The Spanish companies Tecnalia Research & Innovation and Pukas have cooperated to offer a revolutionized surf board. They created a high-performance surfboard with integrated sensors. It will enable the surfers to record data of surfing parameters in real time which means while riding waves. It is important to have the data to analyse a performance and track the movements.

What is it useful for ?
  • Surfboard manufacturers: to have valuable information to produce optimal performance surfboards
  • Surfers: to have full information about their surfing technique
  • Surfing competition: easier measurement of parameters that are scored

The boards integrates gyroscopes, accelerometers, compass and GPS that record data of the surfboard accelerations, speed and movements. Pressure sensors have been incorporated to get data about the surfer's feet position. Gauges have been included to record the flex and torsion of the surfboard in real operation. After the end of the surf session, data is transmitted over wifi to a PC. 
The professional surfers Aritz Aranburu, Hodei Collazo, Kepa Acero and Mario Azurza have already tested the surfboard. 

2. Surfboard with LEDs integrated

New innovative boards have also been designed by Pukas and the adventurer named Indo. You now can find on the market surfboard with LEDs integrated. To make it work you need to plug it, charge it and then you can surf at night in the dark! Different colours are available such as red, pink, blue and green.

The cost is apparently $ 2000. There are limited editions but due to their success thanks to social media, Pukas produced more than expected.

This type of board has been surfed in 5 different countries of 3 different continents: Spain, Portugal, France, Morocco and Brazil.

Apparently, the lights of the board attract fishes, what about sharks…?

Below is a video of the small exhibition in Almaciga Beach

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